Wednesday 22 April 2015

Driving a Life or Being Driven by It -Unending Dilemma

One day, as usual, I was on my way to home in a Chartered Bus. It was crowded, most of them struggling for place to settle, some for a ticket, few lucky for a seat. Although, full of noises, still a sheer hollowness, Bus was carrying with it. A quick look at travellers witnessed a different sense of expression on everyone’s face. Most of them were lost somewhere in another world, Some were confused in phase to decide what next, few were feeling satisfied.

This made me struck with an interesting thought. What gets us going everyday? What really makes us go to our usual place of work or place of study or place of sport or any other place everyday or so. Every one of us follows a daily routine without break, without questions and sometimes even without reasons. You may not have good day, you may not have achieved something good everyday, you may not have fun everyday, you may not have enjoyed your day. Still you don’t stop doing what you do, you don’t stop going where you go.

With no doubt, You will agree, at the end of the day, we seek ‘Peace of Mind’. However different our life may be, however different the way of our living may be, however difference of opinions or perception we may carry, but everyone wants ‘Peace of Mind’.

But how many of us get it ? And if we are not getting it, why we struggle everyday,  why we make so many efforts everyday ? Again this results into the question- What is that which brings a Life in our lives ?

First thing first, What gives us ‘Peace of Mind (PoM)’ ?

Well, its extent, its parameter, its criteria, its form may differ from person to person. It may be anything money, fame, power, result, love, trip, music, family, etc. It may come in any form, even in a combo package. Even it may be different in different points of time. Point is whether do you achieve your peace of mind everyday. I must say, not really.

You work very hard day in day out, still you may not get what you deserved. You enjoy doing your job or any other stuff, but still you feel lonely. You study hard, but still you have fear of failure in exams. You party hard, but still you miss the life. You make people happy everyday, but you can’t figure it out about your own state of mind. You dream, but something stops you from pursuing it.

So then, how will you get what you want ? How will you achieve your PoM ?. May be its nothing but just an illusion. May be it’s nothing but just a state of mind. May be it’s nothing but a cyclic process. May be it’s nothing just the way to live a life. May be it’s nothing but just a level of satisfaction which varies every second.

Against all these odds, failures, fear, anxiety, confusions, uncertainties, you still drive life or gets driven by it every day.

If You ask me what drives me in life ? I would say a BELIEF that one day I will get that Peace of Mind (Although I am still searching what gives me PoM).

Yes. The whole world depends on BELIEF.

‘Belief that one day you will fly high,
Belief that one day you will get your love,
Belief that one day You will be appreciated for your work,
Belief that one day You will achieve your Dream,
Belief that one day Life will be truly yours.’  

Then why some achieve what they wanted and some could not ? Perhaps it’s that BELIEF which has the potential to do anything, to change everything, to drive a Life. It’s not that people do not have belief. If that been so, we would not have been struggling everyday. What makes the difference is that only a few of us realise the potential of that BELIEF.

And that is where Life becomes different for those ‘who drives it’ and for those ‘who gets driven by it’.


“माना अपनी किस्मत के सिकंदर नहीं हो तुम,
पर अपने हौंसलो के धुरंधर हो तुम,

माना जो होना है वो रोक नहीं सकते तुम
पर जो पाना है वो पा सकते हो सिर्फ तुम।”

Choice is Yours

Yours Niks