Wednesday 28 January 2015

My Take on Destiny Dreams

Destiny & Dreams

Our entire life revolves around Destiny and Dreams. We often get confused between these two things. Even I used to get confused. I used to dream to reach towards my destiny i.e. dreaming to reach somewhere, whereabouts of which even I don’t know, nobody knows.

So what is Destiny ?  It is nothing but the life you are living at present. Infact Everything is destiny. That is, if your dreams are fulfilled then it is destined to be and even if it is not fulfilled then also it is destined to be. Destiny is not fixed, it changes everyday, may be every moment. You are successful today and you are not few moments later and vice-versa.

Now obvious question is if everything is destiny and what will happen is always destined to be,  then why do we need dreams in life ? Why can’t we remain satisfied with what we have ? It is because our level of satisfaction is too high, we can’t settle with just what we have, we always seek to achieve more and more, an unending insatiable desire. Simply speaking, Destiny in present form is not acceptable to us, we always want to change it, we always want to rise high. Dreams and desires are just like sky which has no limits.

So If Someone asks me ‘Do You believe in Dreams or Destiny ?. My answer is- I dream everyday to better my destiny. And I believe this is what the ultimate purpose of life. Get your answer too !


‘Make your destiny so amazing that one day your dreams will follow it…….’

Choice is Yours

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